Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's in my rice?

Even before the gluten sensitivity diagnosis, rice has been one of my favorite foods.   I especially love brown rice.  In the gluten free world, most everything that is bread or dough related has some sort of rice flour.   Which again, made me happy, as I am down with rice.
Then this week, we find out there are high arsenic levels in rice??? Or , shall I say, higher levels then are permitted in our drinking water.  All because this super yummy food is extra absorbent and sucks it right out of the soil and/or pesticides?
Now they are suggesting maybe boiling 1 part of rice in 6 parts of water and drain off the water to dilute the issue.   Interesting.  To me, that seems like the levels are a bit of an issue then.  


  1. Is this the case with organic rice?

  2. I think so. it's an issue with the way it sucks up stuff in the soils, so even if they arent using icky stuff now, the soils have stuff from years of other things going on that are still present.
